
Keep on Repeating the Mistakes of the Past

Lets roll ahead to 2010 or 2011 (whatever year your crystal ball says law firms will be
pulling out of the economic downturn they are in) and I ask this simple question - what
will they have learned?

Stephen Mabey Author

Will they be bullied into raising salaries for Associates and doing the politically popular thing rather than learning from the current situation of clients revolting on continuous
rate increases; lawyer and staff layoffs; billable hour targets that do nothing to enhance the quality of the profession or the individuals; or will we say enough is enough!

Enough is enough... no young lawyer fresh out of law school is worth $200 - $300 a hour to any client on any matter; no young lawyer fresh out of law school is worth $160,000 and up a year; nothing is worth what we are doing mentally or emotionally to young, or for that fact older lawyers, with targets (soft or hard) of 1,800 - 2,000 - 2,200 billable hours; nothing is worth the adolescent attitude being nurtured by the way law firms conduct themselves; nothing is worth the unrealistic expectations created nor the cavalier handling of unmet expectations!

While history shows that an extremely bright group of individuals is capable of doing
dumb things I remain optimistic that law firms won't immediately forget their experiences
from current events and immediately start down the path of creating the need for
another economic correction in the future (the magnitude and length of which seems to
grow each time) ...



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