Stephen Mabey is keen to share his insights and opinions
regarding law firm management.


NEW AI in Legal Research: Hallucinations and Future Implications
Stephen Mabey & Anthony DiSimone, July 2024

NEW 20-Point Partners: Addressing Underperformers
Stephen Mabey, July 2024

The Power of Continuous Accountability: Implementing a Partner Accountability System
Stephen Mabey, June 2024

Businesses Fail Because they are NOT "Top of Mind"
Stephen Mabey, May 2024

The Power of a Positive Culture in a Law Firm
Stephen Mabey, March 2024

A Focus on Profitability
Stephen Mabey, February 2024

Strategic Issue Thinking Is In – Strategic Planning Is Out
Stephen Mabey, January 2024

Loyalty: The Most Non-Budgeted Expense
Stephen Mabey, December 2023

The Digital Age is the Great Equalizer
Stephen Mabey, November 2023

Executable Strategy
Stephen Mabey, October 2023

Succession Planning: The Myth & The Threat
Stephen Mabey, August 2023

Talent Wars: Half Time - The battleground has shifted
Stephen Mabey, August 2023

Attracting and Retaining Clients Today
Stephen Mabey, August 2023

The Increasingly Important but Dreaded Collection of Client Accounts
Stephen Mabey, July 2023

Explaining Compensation Gap Analysis
Stephen Mabey, July 2023

Client Information Overload Solution: Trust and Confidence over AI
Stephen Mabey, May 2023

The Side Effects of Covid
Stephen Mabey December 2022

Four-Day Workweek
Stephen Mabey October 2022

Recession Proofing - An Update
Stephen Mabey June 2022

Continuous Cycle of Leadership Evolution
Stephen Mabey and Michael Mabey, November 2021

Dealing with the escalating level of mental health challenges due to COVID
Stephen Mabey, September 2021

An Alternative Exit Strategy
Stephen Mabey, February 2021

You Cannot Predict Results - You Can Control Behaviours
Stephen Mabey, January 2021

Business Development in a Pandemic – It's All about the Relationship
Stephen Mabey, December 2020

Five Lessons from 2020 for a Stronger Law Firm
Stephen Mabey & Mia Hempey, Dec 2020

Pandemic KPI – Some new, some old but all relevant
Stephen Mabey, September 2020

Top Positive Developments Arising from the COVID–19 Pandemic
Stephen Mabey, June 2020

Law Firms' Parallel Phases During the Coronavirus
Stephen Mabey & Mia Hempey, April 2020

A COVID-19 Financial Survival Kit for Law Firms
Stephen Mabey, March 2020

The Impact of COVID–19 on How Law Firms do Business When it is Just a Memory?
Stephen Mabey, March 2020

Can Anything Good Come from the Outbreak of COVID19?
Stephen Mabey, March 2020

Wishes for Canadian Law Firms in 2020
Stephen Mabey, December 2019

Out with the Old... In with the – High Risk Strategy
Stephen Mabey, September 2019

Key Performance Indicators Revisited
Stephen Mabey, March 2019

Kicking the Can Down the Road – Again
Stephen Mabey, November 2018

Recession Proofing – An Update
Stephen Mabey, July 2018

Don't Shoot the Messengers - Change Them!
Stephen Mabey, June 2018

The small-firm advantage - Legal Innovation Now - pdf
Stephen Mabey, March 2018

Recession Proofing — Why Now? Perhaps the Better Response is Why Not?
Stephen Mabey, February 2018

Seven Year's Resolutions for Canadian Law Firms - pdf
Stephen Mabey, January 2018

Why Firms Must Move from the Traditional Governance Model
Stephen Mabey, August 2017

A Roundtable with Millennial Lawyers: Let's Hear Their Perspective
Stephen Mabey, July 2017

Pricing Innovation: Legal Innovation Now
Stephen Mabey, June 2017

More than Ever The Time is Now for Female led Leadership in both Legal Departments and Law Firms
Stephen Mabey, March 2017

Seven Year's Resolutions for Law Firms
Stephen Mabey, December 2016

Hard as I Try, I Can't Make this Square Peg fit in this Round Hole
Stephen Mabey, November 2016

Life Time Achievement Award presented to the Legal Profession — Challenge Management
Stephen Mabey, November 2016

The Barbarians have passed the Gate - pdf
Stephen Mabey, July 2016

How to tell if your Firm's Compensation is Aligned with its Strategic Direction
Stephen Mabey, May 2016

How to straighten out your jumbled financial records
Stephen Mabey, February 2016

See articles archived, 2015 to 2014, 2013 to 2012, 2011 to 2010 or 2009 & older.



Articles by Key Topics


Articles by Date




Download Stephen Mabey's PowerPoint presentation titled "Without a Strategy, Your Compensation Scheme is Your Strategic Plan"

Presented, May 3, 2024, at the Trial Lawyers Assoc. of British Columbia The Business of Law Conference: How to Start, How to Run &/or How to Succeed in a Law Practice



2024 MPF Leadership Conference

May 1-2, 2024 - Capital City Club in Atlanta, Georgia >> Register Now!

Click for larger image



Canadian Bar Association - June 14th Stephen was a panelist in a session of the CBA's new Solutions Series titled

"Managing Uncertainty in Today's Legal Environment: Preparing for and Embracing Change."

Download PP handout

Managing Partner Forum 2022 Leadership Forum, Atlanta Ge- May 4

In addition to facilitating one of the groups of Managing Partners participating in the Managing Partner Information Exchange sessions, Stephen is a panel member speaking on

"Leadership in Action – Building Tomorrow's Law Firm - Executing Successful Growth Strategies."

The panel discussion will feature audience polling technology and tackle how firms have successfully attracted and retained talent to their firms.

watch video

November 4, 2020 - Stephen Mabey was a pannelist in "Which Key Performance Indicators ("KPIs") are best for your Law Firm?"

Go to the video on youtube or download the handouts.


MPF - 2020

October 1, 2020 - Stephen Mabey was a panelist for the financial section of this years conference themed 20 Top Strategies for '21 - see PP handout.

Conference Handout

One of the most interesting sessions was Gerry Risken's talk on "Agility in the Face of Fragility". The elephant in the room which most of us ignore when we speak about the current pandemic and its impact on law firms and the practice of law is the impact on our mental health - both short and long term. It almost seems that if we do not speak to the very real issue, it will remain hidden or even better still go away. Gerry in a polite but direct manner calls "baloney" on our common response that we are doing  "okay" when asked the question on how we are doing. By shining a light on the circumstances that do not make us "okay" in these times of uncertainty hopefully he sets the stage for more meaningful relationship conversations between ourselves and with our client.


The MPF 2019 Leadership Survey & Results - June 2019 - Handouts


The MPF 2017 Leadership Conference -
May 2017 - Atlanta, GA

Download the powerpoint Leading your firm in a changing world



or the MPF Law Firm
Leadership & Governance












"I have heard Steve talk at marketing conferences. He is an excellent public speaker and a pleasure to work with." Larry Bodine, Business Development Advisor, Larry Bodine Marketing ~ Read more testimonials.

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